The Art of Financial Planning - An invitation.
16th April 2019
Investec Wealth & Investment are delighted to invite you to a private viewing of the remarkable works of Leonardo da Vinci on Wednesday, 1 May 2019, at the Millennium Gallery.
Da Vinci was arguably the greatest artist that ever lived and 12 of his extraordinary drawings are on display this spring, as part of a major nationwide exhibition. We will be hosting a unique evening, providing you with the opportunity to privately view the exhibition and hear from Louisa Briggs, Exhibitions & Display Curator at Museums Sheffield, who will provide an insight into da Vinci's extraordinary vision. Darren Findlay, Financial Planning Director at Investec Wealth & Investment, will also be presenting on the ever changing area of succession planning. If you are either considering lifetime gifts, or how you might pass on your assets to your loved ones, Darren will be focusing on how this can be done in the most efficient way for inheritance tax planning. Date Wednesday, 1 May 2019 Location Millenium Gallery, 48 Arundel Gate, Sheffield, S1 2PP Timings 18:00 Arrival reception 18:30 Succession planning 19:30 Exhibition view with drinks & canapés 21:00 Close Speakers Louisa Briggs, Exhibitions & Display Curator, Museums Sheffield Darren Findlay, Financial Planning Director, IW&I Click here to register to attend.