The Biggest Sporting Events of our Time
19th August 2012
Global sporting events offer a wealth of opportunities to UK companies.
Everything from planning and design through to construction and event management is up for grabs. Come along and learn how your company can capitalise on these opportunities! The market in sports projects is becoming increasingly competitive; UK companies, with their unique capabilities and expertise, can rise to this challenge and deliver a range of specialist services for global sporting events. Learn how your company can reach new markets by hearing from a wealth of speakers including: Dame Kelly Holmes Mark Robson, Regional Director (UKTI) Andrew Bacchus, Head of Global Sports Project Team (UKTI) Lauren Pigg, Manager of the Yorkshire Gold Business Club Also hear from a local company about how they have won work on a global sporting event. For companies interested in developing business specifically in Russia and Brazil, UK Trade & Investment will discuss the sporting opportunities available in the afternoon session. They will also advise companies on partnering, joint ventures and how to have a local presence. The conference will provide you with an excellent networking opportunity over lunch where you will be joined by a host of exhibitors and speakers. Refreshments and lunch will be served.