The Business Strategy to Low Carbon Supply Chains
19th August 2012
For large & small businesses and public organisations with interest in low carbon supply chain management • Increase Competitiveness • Enhance Reputation • Improve Bottom Line! • Network with companies.
• How to make the most of the available opportunities? • How to select and implement best strategies? • How to engage and influence supply chain partners? • What drives companies in different sectors? • How do the top companies do it? Presenting: Rolls-Royce plc, Skanska, Sheffield Forgemasters, Muntons, Brocklesby, ... Organisations are increasingly expected to manage and report their carbon footprint. Besides the apparent environmental benefits, many companies have shown that reducing CO2 emissions can add value to their bottom line and improve competitiveness through product differentiation, sector leadership and customer engagement. Companies which place environmental performance at the heart of their CSR are often seen as progressive. Opportunities and Challenges A large number of carbon mitigating solutions exist, but their optimal selection and implementation is not always straightforward. How do you choose and implement the most appropriate low carbon interventions for your organisation? How do upstream companies engage with and select their providers and how do providers distinguish themselves from competitors; how do you compare the performance of different companies? Accurate and credible assessment is crucial to devise the most efficient and cost effective strategies and to enable reliable comparisons. Whilst a number of tools are available in the market to assist companies, many have limitations which can lead to misleading or incorrect results. Moreover, implementation of such systems requires expert knowledge and considerable resource and theassociated costs are prohibitive to many smaller companies which are therefore not able to reap the full benefits of low carbon management. Consequently larger companies are not able to take full advantage of a broader supplier selection to achieve own environment goals. Organisations need better tools to support the selection and implementation of the most optimal low carbon strategies. This conference will highlight: • Drivers, challenges, benefits of low carbon supply chains • Government strategy and support. • Latest developments in cross-sector carbon management • Practices and experiences from leading companies The conference is also an opportunity for networking. An exhibition will run alongside the conference giving participants the opportunity to learn more about activities of partner organisations. REGISTRATION This Conference is sponsored by DLA Piper and the Centre for Low Carbon Futures Attendance is free, but spaces are limited to 100. For more information and to register click here SPONSORS: CONTACT DETAILS Dr Kris Milkowski, Business Development Manager, Centre for Low Carbon Futures, IT Centre, York Science Park, Innovation Way, Heslington, York, YO10 5DG Tel: 01904 567631, Mob: 07919293111, e-mail: CLCF was formed by the Universities of Hull, Leeds, Sheffield and York to harness the internationally recognised research strengths of Yorkshire's universities, and deliver knowledge and solutions designed to optimise carbon efficiency within businesses, organisations and communities. EVENT PARTNERS: PROVISIONAL PROGRAMME 10:00 Registration and refreshments 10:30 Welcome and Introduction Teresa Hitchcock, Partner, DLA Piper 10:40 Economic strategy and policy for low carbon supply chains Government Speaker, TBC 10:55 Competitive low carbon economy James Newman, Chairman, Sheffield City Region LEP 11:10 Decision support for low carbon supply chain management Prof. Lenny Koh, The University of Sheffield 11:30 How the need to minimise carbon emissions impacts aerospace supply chain designs Ian Shellard, Global Physical Logistics Director,Rolls-Royce plc. 11:50 Low carbon leadership and competitive advantage Nigel Davies, Manufacturing & Technical Director,Muntons plc. 12:05 Panel discussion Chaired by James Newman, Chairman of Sheffield City Region LEP 12:30 Lunch, exhibition and networking 13:30 Skanska sustainable policy, Life Cycle Assessment Case study; and sustainable procurement and supply chains Nigel Sagar, Senior Sustainability Manager; Nick Baker and Rob McCulloch, Sustainabiltiy Manager,Skanska 14:00 Low carbon supply chain drivers SME case study Robert Brocklesby, Director, Brocklesby Ltd. 14:15 Carbon emissions management in heavy industry Mark Tomlinson, Director of Operations, Sheffield Forgemasters International Ltd. 14:35 Panel discussion Chaired by Nick Tovey, Former President of Sheffield Chamber of Commerce 15:00 Conference close