The Sheffield College confirms re-opening plans for September 2020
30th July 2020
The Sheffield College has confirmed its re-opening plans for students for September 2020. During the first term of the next academic year, most programmes of study will be based on a blended learning approach to provide a safe learning environment.
From September to December 2020, teaching will be a combination of face-to-face lessons on campus, face-to-face lessons delivered online and independent study. All programmes of study will have some lessons on college campuses to ensure that students have met their teachers and the rest of their class.
Angela Foulkes, Chief Executive and Principal, The Sheffield College, said:
“Every step is being taken to help students go further with their career ambitions whilst ensuring our campuses are as safe as possible. Consequently, things will look a little different in the new academic year as we continue to put student, staff and public safety first.”
She added:
“We will continue to review the College’s next steps for the second term, commencing January 2021, in line with public health guidance. I am so proud of our amazing college community and want to thank students and staff for their support during this unprecedented academic year.”
Programmes with a higher level of technical skills such as a construction trade, dentistry, hair and beauty and performing arts, will require more face-to-face sessions. Programmes that are more knowledge based, such as A Levels, will have more face-to-face online learning sessions during the first term.
A raft of safety measures is being put in place based on a college-wide risk assessment. These include one-way systems, hand sanitiser dispensers and cleaning regimes. Classrooms will be opened in advance of lessons to avoid unnecessary queuing or gathering.
The College has introduced Covid-19 Student Guidance that clarifies expectations of learners and includes details on social distancing, regularly using hand sanitiser in college, staying in allocated zones and classrooms, leaving campus immediately after classes and using the stairs rather than lifts, where students are able to do so.
Regular updates have been provided to students and apprentices, and parents and carers, via email and the College website. For the latest update, please click here.
Enrolment for new and returning students in August 2020 will take place online this year. For details, email
Places are still available for courses starting this September. Visit or call 0114 2602600.