Tufcot Collaborates with UnLtd Magazine
30th October 2018
Over the past 6 months, Tufcot have created a productive collaboration with a local business magazine called UnLtd.
The magazine highlights many key topics from the Sheffield region. Tufcot signed up for 3 posts after our first post '5 Minutes With' was a huge success locally but also internationally. UnLtd have been a breath of fresh air when it comes to business magazines, with a new, vibrant look at the Sheffield region highlighted in a different and creative way. UnLtd used Tufcots last post, highlighting the strong links Tufcot has with the Sheffield University as their cover post! You can view the magazine here - https://issuu.com/unltdbusiness/docs/unltd_issue_6__page_turn_ Tufcot's Technical department has grown in the last 3 years and with the addition of Megan as a Technical Intern over the summer, this has allowed Tufcot to focus on some R and D projects that our often busy Technical department may not have had time to complete. Megan was tasked with looking at creating a higher temperature material for Tufcot to exceed our current limitation of 120 degrees Celsius. This project coupled with projects into higher friction needs and crucial marketing tasks meant that the decision to hire Megan was a huge success. Tufcot have a very strong international brand and we want this brand to be promoted more locally and in the UK. By working closely with Universities in the region aswell as making sure that we look at local suppliers for tasks means we aren't only a strong international brand but also a strong local and national brand. Tufcot will continue to work with companies/faculties like Unltd, the AMRC and the Sheffield Universities for many years to come as this will make the Tufcot brand stronger and show the young design engineers of today that Tufcot is the ideal choice for any composite bearing needs. Please also read here for our '5 Minutes With' article from our MD Greg Majchrzak - https://issuu.com/unltdbusiness/docs/unltd_issue_4__page_turn_ For more information on Tufcot go to our website - www.tufcot.com