University of Sheffield ranked in the world 100 for clinical, health and life sciences
13th November 2017
University of Sheffield ranked 95th globally for clinical, pre-clinical and health subjects by the Times Higher Education (THE) World University Rankings 2018 University of Sheffield also ranked 101-125th in life sciences subject ranking The University of Sheffield has been ranked one of the top universities for teaching in clinical, pre-clinical, health and life sciences subject rankings, published today (8 November) by Times Higher Education.
Sheffield came 95th in the new league table, which includes 400 institutions from across the world. Speaking about the achievement, Professor Dame Pamela Shaw, Vice-President for the Faculty of Medicine, Dentistry and Health at the University of Sheffield, said: -We are delighted that the University of Sheffield has been recognised for being a world-class institution for teaching and research in clinical, pre-clinical, health and life sciences by the Times Higher Education subject rankings. -Our Faculty of Medicine, Dentistry and Health is one of the major UK centres for education and research in health and related subjects. With origins dating back to 1828, the faculty has a long-standing tradition of excellence in clinical education and research. -As a faculty we are always striving to ensure we have experts with a global reputation teaching our students and carrying out our life-changing research. We are proud to deliver outstanding facilities to our students, encouraging them to become the medics of tomorrow. A key institute within the faculty is the Sheffield Institute for Translational Neuroscience (SITraN), which has the potential to transform millions of lives across the world by finding a cure for debilitating degenerative diseases, such as Motor Neurone Disease (MND). The institute, which was officially unveiled by Her Majesty The Queen and His Royal Highness The Duke of Edinburgh in November 2010, offers the opportunity for a coordinated approach to the development and clinical trialling of new therapies. Clinical trials form a large component of the research conducted within the Faculty of Medicine, Dentistry and Health at the University of Sheffield. Recent examples include large scale trials to determine whether thousands of breast cancer patients at risk of developing aggressive secondary tumours could benefit from a potential new genetic test, and trials to examine whether blood cancer sufferers could be treated with a simple arthritis drug. Today's announcement also ranked life sciences at the University as 101-125th globally within the Times Higher Education World University rankings 2018. Life sciences at the University of Sheffield aims to address global health issues by growing the scale of research activities in biology and translational medicine. Research is focused upon three key health and disease areas: neuroscience,; bone, oncology and metabolism; and cardiopulmonary disorders and combines work from both the faculties of science and medicine at the University. Part of the University's commitment to life sciences centres on the groundbreaking, multi-million pound Imagine: Imaging Life and Florey projects, aimed at tackling the global health issues of infectious diseases and antibiotic use. In 1941 Sir Howard Florey, former Chair of Pathology at the University of Sheffield, conducted the first ever clinical trials of penicillin a drug which would go on to save more than 82 million lives worldwide. Inspired by Florey's pioneering work, the University of Sheffield's Florey Institute strives to make life-saving advances in understanding how infectious agents interact with their hosts to cause disease and to translate these discoveries into new treatments and prophylaxis.The Imagine initiative harnesses the development and application of novel biological and medical imaging approaches to help scientists discover new insight at resolution never previously possible. Professor Nigel Clarke, Vice-President for the Faculty of Science at the University of Sheffield added: -Antibiotic resistance is a pressing issue for human healthcare. Our work at the University sees a range of individuals, from students and post doctors to principal investigators, working together on multidisciplinary projects, looking at understanding infectious diseases associated with important antibiotic resistant pathogens. I'm delighted that we have been recognised by Times Higher Education for our excellence in this area. Last month the University was ranked 63rd internationally and 12th in the UK by the Times Higher Education (THE) World University rankings 2018 for social sciences, 67th internationally and 12th in the UK for arts and humanities and 84th globally and 101-125th for computer science.