Welcome steps in skills strategy, but must work for all businesses
4th April 2013
Commenting on the government's Skills Strategy, announced by Skills Minister Matthew Hancock MP today, Dr Adam Marshall, Director of Policy at the British Chambers of Commerce (BCC), said: On proposals for government intervention when providers fail to deliver good training: -Businesses must have confidence in training providers to deliver high-quality, work ready candidates, so we are pleased that those who underperform will face consequences.
We would like the government to go further, however, and consider terminating the contracts of colleges, not just private providers, who consistently fail to deliver a high standard of training. On skills funding: -Putting employers at the heart of the skills and training system is a step in the right direction, and funding must be focused on addressing employers' needs. But care must be taken to ensure small and medium-sized companies are not disadvantaged. So any new funding system must engage employers across the board. On the skills framework for the unemployed: -The skills framework for the unemployed is encouraging, as it has a strong focus on preparing people for the world of work. Improved relationships between Job Centre Plus, the Benefits Agency and providers if achieved would help to match unemployed people to the right job, and get more people back into employment over the long-term.