Welcome to Root Financial Services
12th March 2019
It's the little things in life that count and also the little things in life that can hurt us sadly.
We're not trying to put a dampener on your day or spoil your mood. Just asking you to hopefully take a few moments to read and reflect what we're about at Root as we really think we can be of valuable service to you and your employees. We are a Financial Services company with a twist. We offer an open day (or morning/afternoon dependant on the number interested staff members?) where interested staff members can arrange a 15 minute slot with us (so we respectfully don't keep them away from work too long) to discuss any aspect of financial services? It could be regarding buying a house, a mortgage, setting up a Will, Pension queries, Investment queries, Debt Problems, Divorce or separation/break up finances, Retirement planning, Funeral plans, starting a family, all types of Insurances etc etc anything really that may be bugging them, stressing them, they need help with or FREE advice on? They say the 3 biggest stresses in life are divorce, moving house and financial worries. We can help with all of those! We feel too many people are coming to work every day with some form of stress, worry or anxiety when help is on hand and more often than not we can totally put their mind at rest. We have been endorsed by the Mayor of Sheffield and we don't charge any fee. It's completely free! The take up rate from staff is normally quite overwhelming when this is offered to them (normally by email) and creates a real -feel good factor that their Employer has put this day on for them as a caring Employer. Look forward to hearing from you. Paul & Richard Root Financial Services Root Financial Services, 3 Henley Avenue, Norton Sheffield S8 8JH. richard@rootfinancialservices.co.uk paul@rootfinancialservices.co.uk www.rootfinancialservices.co.uk