Would your company benefit from a free report in one of the following areas?
26th January 2012
Would your company benefit from a free report in one of the following areas? Innovation in the Digital Enterprise Leadership and Strategies for Change Global Business Enterprise & Innovation I am a part-time year 2 MBA student who will be completing modules in the above subjects during 2012 and would like to hear from SME's who would be interested in being the subject of my coursework.
In return you get a report focused on your company on the mutually agreed subject completely free of charge. Why is it free? I currently work in a large organisation and would like to see somebody benefit from my research & reports rather than for them to only serve an academic purpose. Small print? There are no obligations other than allowing me access to the relevant areas of your business; I can't produce a useful report without a full and concise understanding of your business and its strategy. Will it really be useful? I, the report writer and student, hold a BA (Hons) in Accounting & Finance, am a qualified accountant and have held accountancy positions within the public and private sectors covering health, education, multi-national PLC's, UK based PLC's and owner managed SME's (and I am also the honorary treasurer and a trustee of a local charity). But more importantly, that I have advertised for somebody to benefit from my work, rather than go through the academic motions, should tell you what I am about. More small print consultation for Innovation in the Digital Enterprise will commence after the 17th February with the report to be submitted early April; for Leadership and Strategies for Change will commence after the 17th May with the report to be submitted early July; for Global Business will commence after the 12th July with the report to be submitted early September and finally Enterprise and Innovation will commence after 19th October with the report to be submitted early December. Rather than hand over a written report with no further input I am happy to meet with the Board of Directors, senior management team or a designated person to discuss the report. Unfortunately I can't deviate from these timescales too much but I am willing to be flexible where possible. If you are interested please email Richard@graceaccountancy.co.uk