Advanced Innovation District

Putting Sheffield and the surrounding region at the forefront of two critical national sectors.

Sheffield Chamber is proud to be able to say that it has a track record of not supporting things that were relevant 20 years before, but focusing its energy on projects and developments which will be relevant 20 years ahead. It has an unforgiving focus on the future.

Over the last few years, and in line with this policy, Sheffield Chamber has supported the closure of the Sheffield City Airport and the Don Valley Stadium because it recognised the potential to develop those sites into what are now known as Advanced Innovation District (AMID) and the Olympic Legacy Park (OLP).

AMID houses the world renowned Advanced Manufacturing Research Centre (AMRC) in partnership with the University of Sheffield. Whilst the OLP is home to the Advanced Wellbeing Research Centre (AWRC) in partnership with Sheffield Hallam University.

These two facilities have put Sheffield and the surrounding region at the forefront of two critical national sectors, these being advanced manufacturing and materials and health and wellbeing respectively.

We have two universities which are experts in their fields and two facilities who can help transfer that expertise into the commercial environment, and consiquently delivering wealth to the economy. They are of national significance and help attract world class companies, such as Boeing, Rolls Royce and MacLaren, to invest in our region.